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Our Work

As an emerging research group, the M3 Lab continually disseminates our discoveries in high impact journals and international conferences, patents new technologies that come out of our research, as well as collaborates with industrial, governmental, and academic partners in various strategic research areas.

Journal Articles

Our journal articles are published in high impact journals in the field of material science and engineering, chemical science and engineering, applied physics, etc. Several of our journal articles had been featured on the cover page of journals or had been the recognized as the most highly cited articles in specific journals.

Other Scholarly Work

We constantly disseminate our research findings in international technical conferences such as Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) ANTEC, SPE Foams, Biofoams, CSME Congress, Polymer Processing Society, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, etc. This provides us opportunities to network with other fellow researchers and the industry.

Funded Research Work

Our work consists of both fundamental and applied research. A number of projects are at the junction of multiple disciplines. They involved interactions with institutional collaborators as well as funding supports from international and national industrial partners and government funding agencies, including NSERC, OCE, CFI, etc.

About M3

About M3

The M3 Lab focuses on advancing the sciences and improving the technology to develop micro-and-nanostructured bio, flexible, light-weight, and/or smart polymer material systems with tailored multifunctionality. Some example areas of applications include energy storage and harvesting, sensing and actuation, biomedical devices, thermal management, environmentally benign packaging, etc.


Research Team

M3 Lab currently consists of a group of motivated highly qualified personnel, including 2 post-doctoral fellows, 2 Ph.D. students, 2 Master's students, and 2 undergraduate students.
Prof. Sunny Leung
Prof. Sunny Leung
Principal Investigator
PDF, Visting Scholars,
PDF, Visting Scholars,
Graduate & UG Students
Alumni of
Alumni of
M3 Lab

Research Areas

Our research focuses on tailoring the smart and multifunctional properties of polymer material systems (e.g., blends, foams, composites and nanocomposites, superabsorbent polymers, molecularly imprinted polymers) through different novel and industrial viable micro-and-nanostructuring techniques. Some examples of our latest research are shown below:

M3 Lab consists of an outstanding team of engineers, scientists, researchers, as well as has access to cutting edge equipment and facilities to conduct frontier research. We would love to hear from you if you want to collaborate with us, to know more about our research work, or to join our research team. Thank you for taking time to reach out.

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